Wednesday 15 August 2012

How to roast semolina for Upma/Sheera?

Traditional Way

1. Take a thick bottom pan.
2. Heat it.
3. Once hot, bring the flame to medium and add semolina.
4. Keep stiring slowly.
5. Semolina once heated starts burning fast. So be careful.
6. Keep stiring till semolina doesn't spread a nice aroma.
7. This is the right time to turn of the stove.
8. Stir for 2 more minutes and keep the pan aside.
9. After cooling you will notice that the semolina has popped a bit and has turned a bit brownish.
10. If you don't have a thick bottom pan, use pressure cooker vessel.
11. In case you don't have no other choice then to use thin bottom vessel, keep the flame low.

Roast Semolina using Microwave

1. you can also roast the semolina using microwave.
2. Take a microwave safe ware, preferrable glass ware.
3. Add semolina to it and keep for 2 mins.
4. After 2mins, stir through the semolina, upside down.
5. This will ensure that the semolina doesn't burn at any one place.
6. Also, sometimes the semolina starts living moisture in it. in such situations the semolina gets a bit sticky at the base.
7. If this happens, do not worry. Scrap the semolina stuck to the base with the help of a spoon.
8. Then again heat for 2 mins, remove and stir.
9. Continue this till semolina doesnot spread nice aroma.
10. In 4-5 rounds the semolina gets popped. But there may be exceptions.
11. So aroma, popped grain and bit brownish texture are the characterestics of a perfectly roasted semolina.

NOTE: We also get roasted semolina in the market. This is ready to use. But I would still advice that you should heat it atleast for some time. This is because, I have noticed that the already roasted semolina sometimes give a damp smell. In such cases heating it for some time, releases the moisture if any and also reduces this damp smell.

1 comment:

  1. Point no. 6 - Traditional way.... do actually you mean 'till semolina doesn't spread a nice aroma.' I have usually heard that you need to roast it till it gives a nice aroma.
