Sunday 22 July 2012

How I make Korma and Vegetable Biryani?


"Korma" is a famous gravy dish in Mumbai and adjoining places of Maharastra during functions with more than 100 guests. It serves as a delicious, colorful cuisine to fill up the plates.

1. Cut each a bowl of potatoes, carrots and cauliflower in cubes.
2. Cook them in My Microwave for 12 minutes along with 4-5 cubes of ginger. Cook them partially and left over will be cooked later with masala in steam. If you opt to use soaked peas cook them along with other vegetables else if you are using the fresh ones you can directly use them when we cook these vegetables with masala. Since the tender peas cook in very less time.
3. In a pan, heat 3 table spoon of oil.
4. Put in mustard and cumin seeds two pinches each and half table spoon of dalcini powder.
5. Fry a finely chopped onion till golden brown in it.
6. Put in cubes of a tomato.
7. Cover the pan with lid and let it cook for a minute.
8. Put in half table spoon haldi, dhania-jeera powder, garam masala, 1 table spoon red chilli powder, salt to taste, 1/2 table spoon lime juice/amchur powder.
9. Mix it, cover the pan with lid and let it cook for a minute. Rather cook it till the masala separates from oil.
10. Remove the excess water from the vegetables and put them in the pan. Put in some entire green chillies without split. Just trim their heads.
11. Mix well, till the vegetables get covered with it.
12. Put the lid back and let it cook for 12-15 minutes.
13. Check it an interval of 5 minutes and stir upside-down, so that all the vegetables get cooked properly.
14. After 12-15 minutes put in coconut milk, cover again and let it cook for more 3 minutes.
15. The delicious, colorful korma is ready for the serving of 4 people.

The vegetables used can vary. You may opt for Capsicum, beans, mushrooms, parwal, Lady finger, tinda. I use to cook korma whenever I have to do a stock clearance for vegetables which were not much in their individual quantity.
To make the gravy more rich you can opt to fry the onion separately with very little oil till light brown. Let it cool and then grind it to paste and use.
The ginger cubes add an elegant taste to your preparation.

Vegetable Biryani

1. I cook the vegetables in same way as I do for Korma. Except for the coconut milk step.
2. Then follow the steps for Chicken Biryani.
3. The rice would be cooked in exactly the same way.
4. The layers would be put in exactly same way. The exception would be to use the Korma without coconut milk instead of Chicken masala.

1 comment:

  1. Now this is a perfect dish for all vegies !!
    Thanx dude !!!
